(2022 Update)
COVID-19 Guidelines
Due to COVID-19, in 2020 it became necessary to implement expectations for social distancing in order to be able to reopen the 2020 AAC 3D Tournament season. Development of those guidelines was based on the guidance from the Texas Department of State Health Services in accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, as well as input from a Texas ASA Advisory Committee. Those guidelines were closely followed by The Austin Archery Club throughout 2020 and 2021.
Toward the end of 2021 and the start of 2022, Federal/State/City/Park orders and guidelines relating to COVID-19 were all rescinded. Archery Shooters Association and Texas ASA no longer publish guidelines specific to COVID-19 for member clubs to follow when hosting sanctioned events. Based on the lack of remaining requirements specific to COVID-19 ordered or recommended by any known authority, The Austin Archery Club is no longer following the strict guidelines implemented in 2020.
The Club did learn some good lessons from the previously implemented guidelines, and has retained some of those practices and incorporated them below.
Tournament Guidelines
- If you are currently experiencing or have experienced any symptoms of communicable illness within the past 72 hours, then you SHOULD NOT participate in the tournament.
- All participants and guests are welcome to practice Best Health Practices To Avoid COVID-19, published by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Note – For private sanctioned events (i.e. – group youth lessons), if the organizers require adherence to the TX DSHS practices (masks, social distancing, etc.), AAC instructors and assisting volunteers will follow those practices upon request.
- AAC will have club officials on the course and at the static ranges at all times to ensure Safety and observance of Club and Tournament Rules. If a club official notes potential violations, they will warn the group and potentially ask the group to leave if there are repeated issues.
- AAC will continue to offer and strongly recommends online registration/payment by participants. The overall event experience improved dramatically when day-of table registrations were eliminated.
- Participants are welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks. Bottled water will be available at the clubhouse and along the course, but no refilling water stations will be placed along the course. AAC has also reintroduced limited availability of snacks, welcoming donations to keep this benefit active.
- The entrance/exit gates will open at 7AM, providing access to the Static Ranges. Participants should arrive at least 30-minutes before the published start time, to reduce congregating of last-minute groups in the registration area.
- AAC will provide hand-sanitizer at each porta-can on the range as well as at the clubhouse, gazebo and at each picnic table.
- There will be a maximum of 4 participants per group on the course. Starting target numbers for each group will be assigned prior to the published start time.
- Because the Tournament Course runs through parts of both the Field Archery Course and Bowhunter 3D Course, both of those courses will remain closed until all tournament participants have exited the Tournament Course.